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Forums: Index > Training > Specialized Training > Specialized Training (Black Hawk)

Black Hawk

Black Hawk
-Master Marksman

 – 23:49, August 21, 2012 (UTC)

Welcome, if you are here to request Specialized Training with me, type your name in the box below and click "Train".
My type of training specializes in helping you become stronger. I will work you till you're sweating blood and tears at the same time. You will run. You will lift weights. YOU WILL EXCERSISE. No buts, ands, or excuses. I will help you build stamina, strength, and acuracy. I will teach you how to survive.


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CharacterLast TrainedLast Author
Specialized Training (Black Hawk): Soundblast16:33, 2 September 2012Bladewood
Specialized Training (Black Hawk): Velvet14:57, 2 September 2012ExtremeSSJ4
Specialized Training (Black Hawk):Ember03:50, 2 September 2012ExtremeSSJ4